
The log-in section of the Towards Zero Collaboration Hub (Hub) is open to local councils, organisations, associations, businesses and government agency staff who have a strong road safety focus in their work.

Having an account allows you to contribute to road safety discussions, participate in online activities, submit news to share with users and access additional resources to support your work.

Check if you fit the registration criteria

Registrations are approved on a case-by-case basis.


Your Contact Details

Contact details
Address details

Additional Questions

Additional Questions
I work for
I work for a:* - required
Local council details
Is your official role a Road Safety Officer?* - required
Your RSO region
What Transport for NSW region are you part of?* - required
Your role's relevance - Local Council
Government agency details
Agency name* - required
Safety Environment & Regulation
Do you work in Safety, Environment & Regulation?* - required
Your role's relevance - Transport for NSW
Your role's relevance - Government
Type of agency
Select which applies to you* - required
Association details
Does your association have a road safety focus?* - required
Has your association worked with a local council or government agency on road safety initiative/s in the past?* - required
Which local councils can your association work with?* - required
Describe your association's road safety focus
Describe your association's past experience
Your association's openness to work with local councils
Is your association open to working with local councils on road safety initiatives?* - required
Your association's ability to service local councils
e.g. Sydney 2000
Type of association
Are you a state or national based association?* - required
Business or Not-for-profit
Does your business or not-for-profit have a road safety focus?* - required
Has your business or not-for-profit worked with a local council or government agency on road safety initiative/s in the past?* - required
Which local councils can your business or not-for-profit work with?* - required
Describe your business' road safety focus
Describe your business' past experience
Your business' openness to work with local councils
Is your business open to working with local councils on road safety initiatives?* - required
Your business' ability to service local councils
e.g. Sydney 2000
Road safety groups
I'd like to receive updates on the following road safety groups (tick all that apply)
How'd you hear about us?
How'd you hear about us?
Mandatory field(s) marked with *

Spam Protection

(* = mandatory field)